Do you have vintage costume jewellery that you would like to turn into Heirloom Jewellery to be cherished forever? Maybe it’s your nan’s old brooch that you keep for its sentimental value… or a single earring that you have lost the pair to… or some broken old bits that are just too pretty to chuck away…
It always seems such a shame to keep old treasures hidden away, especially if they hold memories or a connection to loved ones. But wearing jewel encrusted brooches or vintage beads is often not something people choose to do nowadays. So often these old pieces are stored away from sight and forgotten about. But if you could rescue an item of old jewellery, have it carefully redesigned and crafted into something you definitely would wear with pride and preserve it for the next generation, wouldn’t you consider it? Well this is exactly what Deborah Jayne Jewellery can offer. I run a comprehensive commission service to create beautiful and bespoke items of jewellery for my clients. I use vintage bits that mean a lot to them as the starting point, and then design a stunning piece of Heirloom Jewellery for them to keep, love and pass on in due course.
Here are just some of the examples of work I have done in the past.
Client’s mother passed away leaving a full jewellery box of assorted costume jewellery. He asked each of his three daughters to choose one piece for me to re-work into a piece of jewellery that they would wear and remember their grandmother by.
One necklace for each daughter, designed to suit their taste and style. Used beads and pendants from the mixed costume jewellery collection, together with new and old beads from my personal collection and new fittings and jewellery wire.
I turned this exquisite early 20th Century paste set brooch into an elegant necklace. The brooch had originally belonged to my client’s mother and now she can wear this necklace and always think of her mum.
I made the necklace with semi-precious tigers eye, vintage faux pearls and new glass bi-cone beads.
A butterfly brooch belonging to my client’s grandmother, now a pretty necklace to be enjoyed for years to come!
I loved making this piece – such a lovely piece that my client was truly moved by. I mixed semi-precious mother-of-pearl, fresh water pearls, Swarovski crystals, vintage crystals and new glass beads in the necklace.
£15 discount in January & February 2018
If you would like to discuss my Jewellery Commission Service in more detail please get in contact. I am very happy to meet up with you for an informal chat to go over initial ideas and talk about your wishes. If you decide to ask me to carry out the design work I will keep you regularly updated and offer you various options throughout.